Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mans best friend

So here's a story! I had to go out of town last week for work,so I had to leave my puppy Mia with my girlfriend all week which sounds normal but what we have come to find out is that Mia was really mad or depressed because I left. So as the week went on she acted worse, first starting off by ripping apart my sandals and finding my socks and underwear and bringing them to my girlfriend. We thought it was cute at first but after that she started jumping over her blocked off area in the house and finding shoes and ripping them into little pieces and then behaving bad when ever my girlfriend would get home from work. So after a long week and a couple of shoes later I arrived back home to find her going crazy for me and not wanting to leave my side. It's crazy how she changed so much when I left and when I got back . If you have a story with your dog please share!

Monday, March 26, 2012

just took mia for a nice run! it took her some time to finally get the feel of running next to me and not ahead or behind me, but with time she got a hang of it. Shes still a young pup so i also let her run around freely at the park to let more energy out but something i always wanted was a dog that could run next to me and shes becomming the perfect running parter now!

Does your dog chase its tail?

My lil brat has this new thing now where she chases her tail and runs in circles like crazy till shes too dizzy to keep goin. At first i thought it was funny but as days passed she kept doing it and in random places too like in the bedroom or the bathroom . After speaking with the vet she told us that she just does it for attention which i didnt get because me and my girlfriend give Mia soo much attention and smoother her. So if anyone has any suggestions feel free to leave a comment and well try it out

Friday, March 23, 2012


today i spent the day walking around with my dog Mia and she just loves running around for hours!!... i didnt know  how much energy this dog had until she started getting older and bigger in size...so since we live in an apartment we take her out several times a day to exercise her as much as she needs. We also take her to the local dog park where she becomes ofter shy around the bigger dogs but after some time she warms up to the others and acts normal playing tag with the other dogs.!

Mans best Friend: My pointer mix

Mans best Friend: My pointer mix: Me and my girlfriend adopted a puppy about 9 months ago at the humane society and they told us she was a pointer mix. We dont know exactly w...

My pointer mix

Me and my girlfriend adopted a puppy about 9 months ago at the humane society and they told us she was a pointer mix. We dont know exactly what shes mixed with but she has been one of the smartest and easy going dogs ive had so far. She has grown alot more than we expected over the months which surprised us a little bit but we both wanted a big dog anyways. she was easy to potty train and also easy to teach basic tricks to. Me and my girlfriend love this dog soo much and even though my girlfriend treats her like a little baby at times she really is a character. Next month on april 13 is going to be her 1 year and we were trying to find some businesses that do dog cakes or treats so if you know of any place just post back please !!!